One sunny September, in 1998 I was high in the spirit and had a solid dream of being in the Nigerian Air Force! I wanted to be a Chaplin, and also a fighter jet pilot. Don't ask me why I want to save lives and take lives, it's the delicate balance of life. I had the hight, and I had the connection (a commandant in the NDA at the time was my in-law), I spoke to my aunt and she gave her approval. Her husband was a governor during the Babangida administration, and served in Benue state (I have so much roots there now, I know why). So, I had good strong hands to lift me. But God wasn't in this dream and plan. I was going to be in the Air Force and be a fighter pilot but not for just a country but for the kingdom! I saw correctly but failed to interprete that vision correctly. It caused me pain, so much pain and I still feel the pain till date. I had a vibrant teens ministry and we were knocking people down and getting them drunk in the Holy Ghost, casting...